Women who flirt get better deal

Feminine charm is a measurable phenomenon, scientists have established, with women who employ it enjoying the most success in negotiations.

Women and sex have nothing to do with love

Women have sex for the same reasons men do. Because they can. And then some. Here's a sneaky cure for the 'headache' epidemic.

Basic instincts are anything but basic. If the book Why Women Have Sex by clinical psychologist Cindy Meston and evolutionary psychologist David Buss is to be believed, women and sex have almost nothing to do with love. They have, however, found 237 other reasons. If you thought women were complicated earlier, good luck stroking this one.

After over a thousand interviews, Meston and Buss have managed to fashion a nuanced portrait of female sexuality. Sexual motivations for women are wide ranging — using sex as a defensive tactic against a mate's infidelity (protection); a ploy to boost self-confidence (status); a barter for gifts or household chores (resource acquisition); a cure for a migraine (medication). Somewhere, love finds a mention.

The Magic of Flirting

Flirting is the way most people determine whether or not a member of the opposite sex is interested in them. Following is a quick outline on how you should go about the complex, sometimes fun, sometimes not so fun, task of flirting. It all beings with your approach.

The Approach

One person approaches the other. They move into closer physical proximity. This much is clear: NO approach equals NO possibility of initiating contact. You must approach!

Example: A woman sits down next to a man in a coffee shop, or a man stands near a woman in a dance club. This is the first step. Once you approach, you begin looking for the signs.

A Nice Guys Guide to Dating Success

Has it ever happened to you? Have you ever had the experience of liking a woman, being a perfect gentleman, and treating her like a queen, only to have her reject you in favor of someone else (possibly very handsome) who doesn't treat her right, or doesn't seem to care about her much at all? These kinds of men have been called "bad boys," "charm boys," or "players." When you are interested in women, do they tend to see you as a friend or "brother" rather than a romantic interest? Do women tell you you're "too nice"? If so, you are not alone. This article will give you, the nice guy, some tips on how to use charm-boy traits to your advantage, while retaining your nice-guy values.

Let's brainstorm for a minute. What makes charm boys or players attractive? They are fun, spontaneous, unpredictable, mysterious, and act as if they don't care what others think of them (also known as confidence). They follow their own rules and don't let others (including their dates) walk all over them. And they often look good.

So what can you do? You don't have to engage in risk-taking behaviors in order to succeed with women. Suggest some "safe" ideas on the spur of the moment; for example, "Let's go get some sushi/ice cream/a Margarita," or, "Let's go for a drive and see where we end up." If this is not the usual "you," you may enjoy your new-found spontaneity. You can be mysterious/unpredictable without violating your principles. Don't call her the day after getting her phone number or the day after a date. Give her time to wonder whether you'll call; keep her guessing. People often want what isn't easy to get, and women like a little challenge.

Six Ways to make People Like You

Principle 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
A simple way to make a good impression.
The expression one wears on one's face if far more important than the clothes one wears on one's back. Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, " I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you." You must have a good time meeting people i f you expect them to have a good time meeting you. You don't feel like smiling? Then what? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, force yourself to whistle or hum a tune or sing. Act as if you were already happy, and that will tend to make you happy. "Action seems to follow feeling, but really action and feeling go together; and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not." -William James. Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions. It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it. "There is nothing either good or bad," said Shakespeare, "but thinking makes it so." Your smile is a messenger of your good will. Your smile brightens the lives of all who see it. To someone who has seen a dozen people frown, scowl or turn their faces away, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds.

Principle 2: Smile.

If you don't do this, you are headed for trouble
The average person is more interested in his or her own name than all the other names on earth put together. Remember that name and call it easily, and you have paid a subtle and very effective compliment. But forget it or misspell it-and you have plac e yourself at a sharp disadvantage. Whenever you meet a new acquaintance, find out his or her complete name and some facts about his or her family, business or political opinions. Fix all these facts well in mind as part of the picture, and the next time you meet that person, even if it was a year later, you will be able to shake hands, inquire after the family, and ask about the hollyhocks in the backyard. Sometimes it is difficult to remember a name, particularly if it is hard to pronounce. Rather than even try to learn it, many people ignore it or call the person by an easy nickname. Most people don't remember names, for the simple reason that they don't take the time and energy necessary to concentrate and repeat and fix names indelibly in their minds. If you don't hear the name distinctly say excuse me I didn't get your name clearly. Then, if it is an unusual name, ask how it is spelled. Use the person's name several times in the conversation; try to associate it in your mind with the person's featur es, expression and general appearance. Then, when you are alone write the name down on a piece of paper, look at it, and concentrate on it, fix it securely in your mind, in this way you will gain an eye impression of the name as well as an ear impression.

Finding and Keeping A Life Partner : Golden Rules


Golden rules for finding your life partner by Dov Heller, M.A.

When it comes to making the decision about choosing a life partner, no one wants to make a mistake. Yet, with a divorce rate of close to 50%, it appears that many are making serious mistakes in their approach to finding Mr./Miss. Right!

If you ask most couples who are engaged why they're getting married, they'll say: "We're in love"; I believe this is the ..1 mistake people make when they date. Choosing a life partner should never be based on love. Though this may sound "not politically correct", there's a profound truth here.

Love is not the basis for getting married. Rather, love is the result of a good marriage. When the other ingredients are right, then the love will come. Let me say it again: "You can't build a lifetime relationship on love alone"; You need a lot more!!!

Here are five questions you must ask yourself if you're serious about finding and keeping a life partner.

Love Quotes

"Love is nothing, but a game; you can choose to play or be played."

"Love is a fist that captures a heart destroying all hope of breaking free."

"Love is like a cigarette that starts with flashes and ends with ashes."

"Love is as strong as death; its jealousy as unyielding as the grave. It burns like a blazing fire; like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love, rivers cannot wash it away."

"Love is like water we drink, so precious, so pure. Without it, we'd be thirsty and dry."

"Love is the music of the heart...keep on playin'!"

"Love is not blind. He just can't make up his mind, so he places one hand over his eyes and says the magic mystical words of eons ago... Eenni, Meenni, Minee, Mo!"

"Love is never lost. If reciprocated it will flow back and soften and purify the heart."

"Love is...everything that makes you smile, everything that brings you up when you are down, love is not beauty, or talent love is...YOU!"

Tips to make your love alive!

Tips to make your love alive!

Everybody wants to tell their partner that how much they love them. Even if you don?t tell you should do the same. Now you would want to know what you could do to keep your relationship stronger and fresh and full of life!
Here are some ideas which could be beneficial in keeping your relationship fresh throughout the twelve months. The basic idea involved is to be 'romantic?:

1.A cute greeting card: You must have felt on many occasions how important the greeting cards are. Without any special occasion, you could give you partner a card with the theme 'I love you?.

2.Leave hand-written notes for your sweetheart : If you don?t fancy giving the card directly in hand, you could write 'I Love You? on a paper, on a dry leaf (if you know bit of art), on an envelope with some tiny gift inside (Like a pen, a key chain) and hide it in his/her drawer or his/her wallet. It would be a real fun for him/her to find these notes? Try It! These will make him/her feel special.

3. Magic of touch heal : It is said that 'Human touch is a great healer?. Now, whenever you get a chance and as often you can remember touch his/her knee, shoulder, hand or back with you hand.

4. A beautiful Massage for your sweetheart : You could give foot rubs (You could use some essential oils); shoulder rubs to each other which will give relaxation to his/her body.

5. Hold the face to make him/her feel extra special : You could hold his/her face in your hands; this is also a loving human touch. It might connect you back to the good old, your first days.

Cheating Partner

It is true that you are a miserable person once you suspect that your partner is cheating on you. It is important to bear in mind that you don't tell your partner of your suspicions until you gather a concrete proof. You don't tell about your plans or otherwise he/she will be more careful so it will be impossible to catch him/her.

You never confront him/her until you are absolutely sure. You just don't assume that he/she is being unfaithful but take some actions which might give you some clue.

Note down the most frequently used phone number : You may look for the details of the phone number you don't recognize and note the details of the call made/ received. Take for instance, a phone number which is on regular use (particularly the call which was made while he/she was commuting or when you were not around). Note down this number. It might be come handy.

Make a call from a pay phone: You could call the number which looks suspicious from a pay phone so that you are not identified. Call out this number and don't say anything, try to recognize the person's voice who answers. Mostly it is found that he/she is seeing someone known to both of you.

Do you know HOW to flirt?

Do you know if you ARE flirting (could you be accidentally flirting)?

The following actions are considered to be REAL flirting indicators - check them out and see if you're sending (and receiving) the right message:

How to tell she likes you:

    She gazes in your eyes with deep interest and her pupils are dilated. Her skin tone becomes red while being around you. Her crossed leg is pointed towards you or if that same leg is rocking back and forth towards you. She raises or lowers the volume of her voice to match yours. She rubs her chin or touches her cheek. This indicates that she's thinking about you and her relating in some way...

girlfriend ke 7 Shades of love

Dear Friends,

"Love in the heart was not meant there to stay. Love is not love till you give it away". For love to be ever lasting and eternal every one should be aware of the different stages of love and know its significance. Following are the different phases through which you will travel in your love life and only those who pass it will have an endless love.


Attraction can be defined as something, which is more than friendship and is a step towards getting ready for a relationship. Now attraction is of two types:

a. Physical Attraction - happens when your body reacts to another person. Heart rate increases; temperature rises, palms get sweaty; stomach flutters; throat tightens; etc. This is what will tell you that you are ready for the first contact and also whether you are comfortable in the company of the other person.

b. Emotional Attraction - develops next if the circumstances are right. After being drawn to a person physically, you then begin to come closer. If you find you have things in common -- hobbies, ideologies, career, education, or some other common ground -- then an emotional attraction starts to form. Sometimes an emotional attraction can occur even when a physical attraction does not. And in this case, the bond will be stronger between the two who connect, since no preconceived notions based on physical appearance has occurred.

Intimacy is something, which a person experiences when you learn to trust and believe your lover. It is a close association with another person of the deepest nature. You share you thoughts, feelings, and dreams. You feel free to discuss everything with this person and you are absolutely comfortable in his company. Thus intimacy develops gradually. If you can't establish intimacy with your partner, your relationship may work for a while, but is unlikely to endure throughout the years. Intimacy is actually the path to a true, healthy and beautiful relationship.

Romantic Tips and Secrets

Send a dozen roses: 11 red roses and 1 white one. The note: "In every bunch there's one who stands out - and you are that one."
"The art of love ... is largely the art of persistence" Dr Albert Ellis

Write him/her a check for one million kisses

Something for the Honeymoon or anniversary.... a lottery ticket and a note: "I hit the jackpot when I married you."

Book A Massage to give your partner a professional massage..

Kiss every square inch of her body S-L-O-W-L-Y !

Hide a love note in a bottle of vitamins. The note will say: "Try some vitamin L."

Scatter rose petals all over the bed.

Buy the music CD "Let's talk about love" by Celine Dion.

Three simple sex rules:
* gals are slow, guys are fast
* guys are visual: Show him...
* gals are auditory: Tell her...

Write notes on Post-it notes and stick them around.

Don't buy cheap lingerie unless you plan to rip it off her in passionate lovemaking.

8 ways to divorce-proof your marriage

1. Talk, and listen
Make sure to share your thoughts with each other, daily, if possible, and to take interest in each other's lives. Make sure to check in with your spouse to ensure that they're truly hearing what you're saying -- and that you're receiving and understanding right back. "This is a responsibility that both people
2. Kiss goodbye and hello
"Hugs, kisses, quick squeezes, even holding one another's gaze are ways in which the couple can affirm their connection and commitment to one another,". Pausing for a hug and a kiss before you leave for work in the morning may seem like a small thing, but the warm glow it gives you is something to look back on all day.
3. Do fun activities together
Find a shared outside activity: Ballroom dancing, jogging, foreign films and gardening are some examples. They can help you both keep learning about each other. "While these hobbies can seem frivolous, they can actually serve to remind the couple of what they have in common and encourage them to relate to one another as a real people."
4. Have independent lives
Don't live life glued together. Make sure to have your own hobbies, interests and friends on top of your shared activities; you'll maintain a sense of your own individual identity and have lots to talk about with your partner to boot. "Before we ever knew our spouse existed on the planet, we had dreams, ambitions and interests that probably contributed to us making that love connection." Both partners continue to pursue at least one independent hobby or activity in order to nourish both themselves and their relationship.
5. Plan ahead
From parenting philosophies to thoughts on money to prioritizing goals and dreams, marriage means making plans together -- and the earlier, the better. Financial planning, for instance, "can often be a deal-breaker in a marriage." Don't assume that your partner knows how you feel about important issues -- sit down and discuss them before they have the chance to become a problem.
6. Fight with a purpose
Handling conflict constructively is key. A three-point plan for making sure fights have a positive outcome. First, acknowledge that every couple faces arguments, and that they're "not an indication that the relationship is doomed." Second, "each person should examine their own contribution to the conflict and be prepared to own up to it." Finally, both partners have to be able to spell out what upset them and how they would like the problem to be resolved. "By having this level of clarity, the couple is then in a position to talk about what happened in a focused way."

History Of Valentine's day

As early as the fourth century B.C., the Romans engaged in an annual young man's rite to passage to the God Lupercus. The names of the teenage women were placed in a box and drawn at random by adolescent men; thus, a man was assigned a woman companion for the duration of the year, after which another lottery was staged. After eight hundred years of this cruel practice, the early church fathers sought to end this practice... They found an answer in Valentine, a bishop who had been martyred some two hundred years earlier.

According to church tradition St. Valentine was a priest near Rome in about the year 270 A.D. At that time the Roman Emperor Claudius-II who had issued an edict forbidding marriage.
This was around when the heyday of Roman empire had almost come to an end. Lack of quality administrators led to frequent civil strife. Learning declined, taxation increased, and trade slumped to a low, precarious level. And the Gauls, Slavs, Huns, Turks and Mongolians from Northern Europe and Asian increased their pressure on the empire's boundaries. The empire was grown too large to be shielded from external aggression and internal chaos with existing forces. Thus more of capable men were required to be recruited as soldiers and officers. When Claudius became the emperor, he felt that married men were more emotionally attached to their families, and thus, will not make good soldiers. So to assure quality soldiers, he banned marriage.

Dating tips for guys

1. Wear the right kind of after-shave lotion or perfume. But remember, not too much, not too less!

2. Though you would like her to think of you as a toughie so she feels protected in your presence. This particular attitude puts off a lot of girls. Most of the times guys are so consumed with acting macho that makes girls think you are not sensitive enough! So, take it easy!

3. Most of the men don't think they have to pay attention to the way they dress. Well...you may not want to apply make-up though some guys do but that doesn't mean you land up on your date just like that! Remember to shave and a neat haircut should make you presentable. C'mon ...all you guys want your partners to look their best so why not look presentable yourself. She wouldn't like going out with a shabbily dressed date herself, right?

4. Remember to complement your date. But it should be genuine! It could be her hair, her smile, her outfit, her lipstick, her sense of humor... or just about anything! After all she's YOUR date! There's definitely something about this girl or you wouldn't be dating her in the first place, right?

How to Celebrate Valentine's Day

1. Make dinner together and eat by candlelight
2. Slow dance to your favorite songs in your living room
3. Send flowers -- even when there's no special reason. Try sending exotic flowers instead of roses.
4. Mail a love letter expressing how you feel
5. Go to a drive-in movie
6. Make a "Coupon Book of Love" entitling him or her to a romantic dinner, free massage etc.
7. Have a wine and cheese picnic in the park at sunset
8. Dedicate a song on the radio
9. Share a blanket and watch the stars on a moonlit night -- or take a trip to your local planetarium
10. Take dance lessons together -- we recommend the tango!

Love in the time of cell phones

Let's assume you're back from a date and found your partner very interesting. You think he or she reciprocates the feeling. Now, you want to touch base to take this forward. Should you call or send a text message?

How soon should you call?
Remember, bad mobile communication habits could sometimes send the wrong signals. For instance, if you type your SMS in capitals, it could sound as if you are shouting. Here's a reality check on cell phone communication dos and don'ts in the age of mobile telephony.

The first call

You have just returned from a date, you like his or her company and you want to convey it. But a phone call even before he or she has reached the taxi stand may come across as a little too urgent. It is polite to enquire after your date and say you enjoyed the meeting, of course, which is why an SMS should do the trick.

Lieing while dating online.?

Singles surfing the Internet for relationships may need to more careful; a new poll shows many singles believe it is acceptable to tell a little white lie while dating online.

According to the latest 'Manners And Behaviours' survey by the US company, Engage.com, 24 per cent of the respondents believe it is okay to tweak the truth while dating online. The site, co-founded by Suneet Wadhwa, requires people to engage family and friends in the matchmaking effort.

While 30 per cent of the men polled believe one can lie while dating online, the corresponding figure for women was 19 per cent.

Twenty-one per cent of the respondents identified income as the main topic singles lie about in their online dating profile.

Next come weight/ body type (16 per cent) and age (14 per cent); 12 per cent consider it okay to lie about their height and the reason why they are looking for a relationship.

Love - Rainbow

Hey Friends!!

Just like the rainbow, Love also has so many colours, with each & every colour having their own meaning & value in everyone's life...just like --

Red Love - Red love is the most beautiful love in this world. This is for the soul-mates & life partners. This is observed in so many things like mehandi, sindoor, etc. Red is also the sign of alarm...

Yellow Love - Yellow love is for those who maintain & keeps up the beauty of purity, sanctity & decorum of their relationship with mutual respect & sharing. Who else other than friends could be blessed with this sacred love! This love is for real friends.

Green Love - Love traffic open for everyone. This is like mother nature's love where there is equal love for everyone around us.

White Love- White love is most often observed under compulsion (ceasefire), service (nursing) & duty. This works good to maintain peace and harmony, can also be called as "Peace Love".

Propose Marriage to a Man

1.Know your beloved well and anticipate his response. Will he be swept away by this romantic gesture? Or could he feel threatened by a woman s proposing marriage? (If so, you may want to reconsider.)

2.Set the stage. Pick his favorite place - whether you consider it romantic or not - to pop the question. This might be a secluded camping site, a fancy restaurant, a golf course at sunset ... or even a sports bar. Let your love s taste be your guide.

3.Keep your plans flexible. You may have an evening of French cuisine and fine wine in mind; he may be in the mood for burgers and beer. Unless your plans involve other people or events, go with the flow.

ake a splash if your beloved appreciates the theatrical. Put your question up in lights at a ballgame, or bring in a soloist to croon over pasta.

5. Keep the occasion subtle if your honey tends to like things more subdued. Pop the question over dessert or during a private game of pool.

How To Write a Love Letter

Learning how to write a love letter isn t difficult. Once you gather your thoughts and follow these simple steps to express the way you feel in a love letter you ll know how to do it.

Why Write a Love Letter?

It s easy to get confused when trying to express how you feel to someone you love. Just being in the same room with the object of your affections can make you feel a little muddled. Sitting down and writing a letter in private, however, gives you time to get in touch with your deepest feelings and then decide which words will best express them. You may reach a clarity of thought by the time you finish the letter that you didn t have when you started and which you probably wouldn t have reached trying to express yourself in person.


Be in a good mood when writing a love letter.
Never try to write a love letter when you re in a bad mood, not only will it be more difficult to write but your bad vibes will make their way into the letter.

Men-Catching Techniques!

Humour is immensely attractive Not the bitching, taking to pieces and general lowest form-of-wit sarcasm, but genuine humour yon can share. Smiling and laughing can ease pain, promote healing, relieve tension and stress and make you feel happier.

Have you ever stood in a club looking aloof in your new clothes, feeling depressed because nobody notices you? Your frumpy friend, wreathed in smiles, is swamped by men. Look and lean. The supercool, "I m perfect and totally unflappable" approach doesn t always work, especially if others interpret this as unapproachability. Open body language, as opposed to closed, is the language of love but remember that non-verbal signals are a minefield.

Nor everyone will understand what woo mean when you twitch your legs or gaze longingly into the bottom of your wine glass. Talking whilst moving the hands or playing with a finger ring and moving restlessly, s
ignals embarrassment or anxiety, whilst jerky movements call mean frustration, and shrinking body movements are indicative of depression. Crossed arms and legs can mean "Keep away". Hunched shoulders and avoiding someone gaze indicate unavailability.

Ladki Kaise Patayee Jaaye? (Not for Gals)

How to attract woman?

You've got your car gleaming, your muscles flexing and a stash of pick-up lines ready to go. Think that you'll attract hordes of women with this tried and true approach? Think again. What men think women want and what really interests women are two different things. If you're aiming to meet a woman who will appreciate you for who you are, you need to be aware of the impression that you create.

"I used to dress up in flashy, designer clothes whenever I went to a club," says Ricardo, an easy-going software engineer. "I thought that's what I had to do to get women but it isn't really me. I did get attention, but from superficial, flaky girls that I never dated more than twice." Remember to be yourself. If you love to wear khakis and pullovers, don't wear suits every time you go out. If downing beers and burgers thrills you, don't pretend to like martinis and escargot. Women like men who are comfortable with themselves. Even if all the women appear to be interested in only a certain type, there will always be someone who likes your type.

Rules of Flirting

Frankly speaking flirting is an art and you need special skills to master it. You do not have to be some beauty queen or a celebrity to make guys fall for you and go gaga over you. All you need is your gorgeous smile and few guaranteed flirting tips like the ones you'll find below to attract the opposite sex.

Rule 1 # Eyes have it all:

Lock eyes with the person you're flirting with for a full five to six seconds, then smile and drop your gaze. Please don't stare at him and make him feel embarrassed. Just give him a soft smoldering look and look away. Do this at least three times in a ten to fifteen-minute period. This way you will make him know that you are interested and approachable.

Rule 2 # Smile:

Smiling is absolutely the most effective tool in your flirting toolbox. Psychology and body language experts agree that one of the most important things you can do to make yourself more attractive (and approachable) is to smile.
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